The term ‘Cloud Computing’ is one of the buzzwords in the technology more eco expansion of recent times. Deliberately or inadvertently meets cloud storage and cloud computing in everyday life, as long as you are active in the domain of e-commerce online.
To be more specific, most people make use of several online video calling facilities like Skype or to access regularly emails for business transactions and also for personal use through Gmail or Yahoo ! in this case, you access data or resources found in a storage environment in the cloud.
What is cloud computing?
In simple terms, cloud computing involves delivering hosted services such as calculating resources or capacity data storage over the Internet. The end user only needs to have a computer and a connection to high speed internet to connect to the cloud, where services and resources are shared.
Cloud computing, which has paved the way for a paradigm shift that will be introduced in the field of IT, is now widely used in many fields such as software services based on web , games on demand, as a service platform, etc. environment cloud computing is very flexible as the applications or services are independent of the platform and also the storage location will also be in the cloud, eliminating the need to allocate a specific hardware for a task.
These services are provided mainly in three forms as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS). In IaaS, the end users pay for resources, such as servers and other infrastructure for a period of time. In PaaS, you access the software platform or cloud system, while in SaaS, software applications and databases are provided by the service provider cloud.
How does a cloud in your online business?
advances in the field of cloud computing and also the interest in this service is on the path of rapid growth, since it is used by small and large enterprises on a large scale. Contrary to traditional web hosting services, cloud service is sold on demand and can be treated as it is based on subscription. This is very useful for SMEs (small and medium enterprises) who can not afford to buy lots of storage space and hardware resources.
The cloud provider provides services and resources such as user demand. It is also very easy and quick to use, as SaaS in the cloud eliminates the need to install software on your hardware. You can save a lot of money as cloud provides scalability, allowing you to scale up or down, the use of resources or cloud data according to their needs. It also requires less staff maintenance, hardware and software are quite minimal.
Therefore these services look promising from every point of view, either for a large company or a small business online.
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