It is a fact that cloud computing is changing the world of information technology, having an impact on each role or position in a company, service providers and system architects, developers and end usuarios to.
The cloud computing is not just a trend more in the computer world: it is a new way to access to information technology in a unique way, virtually unlimited and much less than other options cost that redefines once more the technology industry. Cloud expectations are very different from one of the service offerings, at the time, he managed popularity: outsourcing (outsourcing) technology, which has rarely managed to meet the expectations of customers, as the business addresses claim that agility is affected, establecido limitations make your business look penalized and resources provided by third parties are developed without an ideal technical level and business knowledge to face competitive situations.
As far as IT business solutions is concerned, cloud computing is definitely the way to go for many companies. In recent years this technology has gone from being a hyped term to be a central part of the operation of businesses of every shape and size fashion.
But if it’s your first time, the cloud may seem a minefield, with a huge range of tools and configuration options to choose from. Is right and you’ll be ready for many years, but if you take the wrong path puere cost you time and money keel.
One of the biggest decisions you will have to make is what type of cloud choice. Here are three key options – public, private and hybrid. Each has its pros and cons, and may be more suitable for some scenarios than others.
What is the best choice for your company? This decision will depend on many factors such as the type of data you have, what flexibility you need and the level of your own IT resources.
Lately we hear everywhere talk about cloud computing or cloud storage. We use the cloud every day, when we drive nourish correo electrónico, or went up a photo to any of the social networks that let’s usuarios. But do we really know what is cloud and what this terminology refers ?.
This term comes from the English Cloud Computing. Cloud is a metaphor to call the infrastructure that allows, through the Internet, we manage services, information, etcétera, without having installed an application or physical structure. Surely the name is given because it is common to find a cloud as representing internet images or flowcharts.
“With this tool, companies cánido manage their business with a number of applications through a shared data center, without purchasing infrastructure and paying staff, products and facilities to operate. The advantage is that they perro access these technologies paying a subscription, a fixed fee or airtime, depending on the actual consumption effected “stresses O..
However, according to L. F. Bocanegra, president of Comware, “for an organization to know, for sure, what kind of services and infrastructure needs according to their movement and information handling, it is necessary to hire an expert firm in technological solutions that will provide relevant advice. ”
If the demands are instantaneous, then the responsees of the companies also have to be instantaneous, so the role of IT is essential, it is they who are responsible for “turning on” instant business where cloud computing plays an important role.
Here you will find more information about:
Technology Cloud
cloud computing technology
cloud computing technologies
the cloud computing
cloud technologies
hybrid cloud computing
cloud computing wikipedia
Cloud Services